Oracle DataPump can be used to export to multiple files, for example in operating systems like HP-UX, which still have a file size limit.
- Create directories
SQL> CREATE DIRECTORY EXPORT1 AS '/export/vol1'; Directory created. SQL> CREATE DIRECTORY EXPORT2 AS '/export/vol2'; Directory created.
- Create parameter file
$ cat expdp_mtb2p.par full=y parallel=1 DUMPFILE=EXPORT1:mtb2p_migration1.dmp,EXPORT2:mtb2p_migration2.dmp FILESIZE=800G logfile=mtb2p_migration.log FLASHBACK_TIME="TO_TIMESTAMP(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDD HH24MISS'),'YYYYMMDD HH24MISS')"
- Write shell script wrapper
#!/usr/bin/bash export ORACLE_HOME=/oracle/dbsystem/product/10.2_3 export ORACLE_SID=mtb2p /oracle/dbsystem/product/10.2_3/bin/expdp '/ AS SYSDBA' parfile=/oracle/dbsystem/Jan/expdp_mtb2p.par #EOF
- execute using at:
echo "/oracle/dbsystem/Jan/" | at 1000
oracle has to be in /usr/lib/cron/at.allow.