- deliver IP addresses for VIP and SCAN
- configure storage
- network system-config-network, does not support reboot
- set ONBOOT=YES in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ethX
- get repository from public-yum.oracle.com
- install xorg-x11-xauth with yum install
- install oracleasm-support package
- install cvuqdisk (rpm -i cvuqdisk <path_to_install_media>/rpm
- yum install <output-of-cluvy packages>
- disable firewall in “system-config-firewall-tui”
- disable SELinux: echo 0 > /selinux/enforce
- start ntp service
- create oracle user
- create groups: dba, oinstall, asmadmin, asmoper, asmdba
- configure shared storage, ownership on block devices, add “disk” group to oracle user
- run oracleasm configure (,scandisks, listdisks)
- user equivalence in ssh, caution SELinux
- (optionally) run cluvfy for pre check of requirements
- start ./runInstaller
- use advanced installation & configuration for clusters
- configure IP addresses and interface for public and private network
- disable GNS
- configure ASM
- configure disks with disk discovery path /dev/oracleasm/disks/
- create GRID DG