Configure SQLPlus properly in a UNIX environment
Basic UNIX configuration
Backspace, Delete and Cursor keys should work beforehand.
Useful environment settings include (using bash):
ORACLE_BASE=/app/oracle/1120/db (or similar) ORACLE_HOME=/app/oracle/1120/db/product/ ORACLE_SID=XXX ORATAB=/var/opt/oracle/oratab PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$PATH TERM=vt100 PS1='u@h w$ ' PS2='> ' PS4='+ ' NLS_LANG=AMERICAN_AMERICA.UTF8
SQLPlus configuration
SQLPlus can be configured by a „login.sql“ file, located in the current directory when calling sqlplus.
Useful settings include:
set pagesize 0 set linesize 50 set sqlprompt "&_user@&_CONNECT_IDENTIFIER> " define _editor=vi
With these settings, „ed“ and „r“ command should work.
RLWrap extensions
Command completion can be achieved by installing RLWRRAP and the sqlplus rlwrap extensions.
These can be found at Linuxification.AT
Rlwrap is a GNU readline library wrapper and can be found here
Readline-6.1 packages for Solaris are available from OpenCSW.