CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE PCK_PHONETIK AS /* || $Header: $ || || Name : PKG_PHONETIK || Aufgabe: An implementation of "Koelner Phonetik" || Autor : 13.02.2017, Jan Schreiber || */ FUNCTION GET_CODE ( I_STRING IN VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2; END PCK_PHONETIK; / CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY PCK_PHONETIK AS /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ || || 2017.02.13 Jan Schreiber: An implementation of "Koelner Phonetik". || 2017.02.14 Jan Schreiber: Renamed to PCK_PHONETIK || 2917.02.16 Jan Schreiber: Aligned with Java class ColognePhonetic || */------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /* This work is based on Andy Theilers github package: and Carsten Czarskis APEX implementation: and the Java Commons 1.7 implementation ColognePhonetics from: Source code: */ function soundex_ger (strword IN VARCHAR2, intlen IN NUMBER DEFAULT 255) return VARCHAR2 is word varchar2(255); wordlen number; checklen number; code varchar2(255); phoneticcode varchar2(255); intX number; begin if intlen is null then checklen := 255; else checklen := intlen; end if; Word := lower(substr(strWord,0,checkLen)); if length(Word) < 1 then return 0; end if; Word := REGEXP_REPLACE( REPLACE( REPLACE( Translate(Word, 'vwjyäöüéèêàáç', 'ffiiaoueeeaac'), 'ph', 'f'), 'ß', 'ss'), '[^a-zA-Z]', Null); wordlen := length(word); if wordlen = 1 then word := word || ' ' ; end if; if substr(word,1,1) = 'c' then case when substr(word,2,1) in ('a','h','k','l','o','q','r','u','x') then Code := '4'; else Code := '8'; end case; intX := 2; else intX := 1; end if; while intX <= wordlen loop case when substr(word,intX,1) in ('a','e','i','o','u') then code := code || '0'; when substr(word,intX,1) = 'b' or substr(Word,intX,1) = 'p' then code := code || '1'; when substr(word,intX,1) = 'd' or substr(Word,intX,1) = 't' then if intX < wordlen then case when substr(word,intX+1,1) in ('c','s','z') then code := code || '8'; else code := code || '2'; end case; else code := code || '2'; end if; when substr(word,intX,1) = 'f' then code := code || '3'; when substr(word,intX,1) in ('g','k','q') then code := code || '4'; when substr(word,intX,1) = 'c' then if intX < wordlen then case when substr(Word,intX+1,1) in ('a','h','k','o','q','u','x') then case when substr(Word,intX-1,1) = 's' or substr(Word,intX-1,1) = 'z' then code := code || '8'; else code := code || '4'; end case; else code := code || '8'; end case; else code := code || '8'; end if; when substr(word,intX,1) = 'x' then if intX > 1 then case when substr(word,intX-1,1) in ('c','k','x') then code := code || '8'; else code := code || '48'; end case; else code := code || '48'; end if; when substr(word,intX,1) = 'l' then code := code || '5'; when substr(word,intX,1) = 'm' or substr(word,intX,1) = 'n' then code := code || '6'; when substr(word,intX,1) = 'r' then code := code || '7'; when substr(word,intX,1) = 's' or substr(word,intX,1) = 'z' then code := code || '8'; else code := code; end case; intX := intX + 1; end loop; phoneticcode := translate(regexp_replace(code, '(.)1+', '1'), '1234567890', '123456789'); if substr(code,1,1) = '0' then phoneticcode := '0' || phoneticcode; end if; return phoneticcode; end soundex_ger; function get_code (i_string IN VARCHAR2) return VARCHAR2 is len number; i number; k number; in_string varchar2(4000); out_string varchar2(4000); key_length constant number := 4; begin i := 1; out_string := null ; in_string := regexp_replace(substr(translate(i_string,'.,-;',' '),1,4000), '([[:cntrl:]])|(^t)', ' '); len := length(in_string) ; while i <= len loop k := InStr(in_string, ' ', i); case when (k = i) then i := i +1; when (k > i) then out_string := trim(out_string || ' ' || substr(soundex_ger(substr(in_string, i, k-i)),1,key_length)) ; i := k+1 ; when (k = 0) then out_string := trim(out_string || ' ' || substr(soundex_ger(substr(in_string, i)),1,key_length)) ; i := len +1; end case; end loop; return out_string; end get_code; END PCK_PHONETIK; /
The implementation table used is build on the article in German Wikipedia mentioned above:
Letter | Context | Code |
A, E, I, J, O, U, Y | 0 | |
H | – | |
B | 1 | |
P | not before H | 1 |
D, T | not before C, S, Z | 2 |
F, V, W | 3 | |
P | before H | 3 |
G, K, Q | 4 | |
C | in Anlaut before A, H, K, L, O, Q, R, U, X | 4 |
C | before A, H, K, O, Q, U, X , but not behind S, Z | 4 |
X | not behind C, K, Q | 48 |
L | 5 | |
M, N | 6 | |
R | 7 | |
S, Z | 8 | |
C | behind S, Z | 8 |
C | in Anlaut, but not before A, H, K, L, O, Q, R, U, X | 8 |
C | not before A, H, K, O, Q, U, X | 8 |
D, T | before C, S, Z | 8 |
X | after C, K, Q | 8 |